Monday, September 11, 2017. / Negotin, Serbia / TimocPress
The Committee for Human Rights Negotin implements the project "OFFICE OF LEGAL AID OF THE COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS NEGOTIN".
One of the most important programs of the Office of Legal Aid is a program providing free legal assistance to victims of human rights violations and especially in cases of discrimination. And that activities in providing free legal aid to the Romanian-Vlach national minority in Serbia, whose human rights have been violated.
Committee for human rights Negotin will also work on the prevention of abuse of unbalanced political plurality by government (the attitude of plural Serbian nation to minority Romanian-Vlach people) and in that context to initiate civil action and consciousness of the need to take responsibility of taking active part in public life.
Office of legal aid of the Committee for human rights Negotin exists from the December 19th, 1999.
Cases of discrimination against Romanian Vlach national minority which processes the Office of Legal Aid of the Committee for Human Rights Negotin will be published through the report on discrimination.
The project will be implemented in a period from January 1st to December 31st of 2017. It is supported by the Ministry for Romanians abroad.