The information campaign about grants provided by the Ministry of the Romanians abroad


Monday, January 21, 2019 Bor-Negotin, Serbia / TimocPress

At the beginning of January this year, the Ministry of the Romanians abroad has begun a season of informing about grants which it provides in the historical communities, as well as in the diaspora.


State Secretary Victor Alexeev and Radu Kozma, the Head of the Service for Historical Communities actions within the Ministry of the Romanians abroad, they met members of the clergy, the Romanian civil sector, as well as representatives of the media in the Romanian language in the Timok region and Serbia, with the means and conditions under which they can access the non-refundable funds that the Ministry offers as well as the steps that should be followed to deliver similar projects.

Delegation of the Ministry for Romanians abroad presented the participants the basic items on the activities and proposals for action in 2019.

The visit began in Bor, with a meeting with representatives of the Congress of the Romanians of Serbia, Dr. Slavoljub Gacovic, Zavisa Zurz, Dusan Prvulovic, Miomir Djordjevic, with the Parish priest of Metovnita parish, Reverend Father Antonie Isac, as well as with a Romanian language professor, Una Vasiljevic, and is part of a series of meetings which are envisaged by the campaign for the information that the Ministry of Romanians abroad has begun in several countries where the large communities of Romanians live.

At the end of the day, the Delegation of the Ministry of the Romanians abroad met with Very Reverend Father Bojan Aleksandrovic, Vicar of Timok in Serbia, who was accompanied by Reverend Father Buobu Lui, Parish priest of Horreum Margi from Isacova, Reverend Father Petru Hogea, Parish priest of Negotin parish but also other priests of the Timok vicariate in Serbia.

Additional information:

10 days ago, the Ministry of the Romanians abroad published the User Guide and the Document on the award of grants. The period for public discussion was concluded on January 18 this year.









"This project has been supported by the Department of Romanians across the border"

"The content of this site does not represent the official policy of the Department of Romanians across the border".


Committee for Human Rights Negotin


Romanian Global News


  Radio-Television of Vojvodina RTV

Community of Romanians of Serbia


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Community of Romanians in Serbia



