Monday, June 3, 2019 / Negotin, Serbia / TimocPress
Milan Mitic from Samarinovac is the oldest farmer in the Negotin region.
TP: Milan Mitic, a farmer from Samarinovc, the holder of numerous municipal and highest state acknowledgments for work in agriculture, in the company of family, friends and associates, celebrated recently the 95th birthday. Sharp-witted, vital and painstaking, Mitić still today in his ten decade has plowed and sown, no less or no more than 420 ha of wheat and sunflower.
Milan Mitic: I was never in the house, only when it's snowing. Because in the first days, when we started, we were working intensively since 1964 in agriculture. It's over 60 years. Then the sowing was not as expensive, it was cheaper. I had my wheat, treated it, put in a car, I make my horses pull, I'm going to the field. Before noon has plown, at noon has sown, on the afternoon has harrowed and get home. However, today sowing on 420 ha, believe it or not, it costs me 2000e, 200,000e, two combines. Whether the weather will be so favorable to agriculture, then I will come to an end, but if something happens, we have failed, it is a risk.
TP: Agriculture is today on the lowest branches, claims Milan Mitic, and for everything, he says, is guilty the policy of the state leadership which does not subsidize the right measures of those who want to truly deal with it.
Milan Mitic: This leadership in Belgrade have a wrong policy to the farmer. Now some Krkobabic appeared, who did not stepped in the field anywhere, and now he limited ... well, it's not just him, but those from the Ministry of Agriculture, that 50,000s give young people under 40 and not to go abroad. And to us who are working, does not give anything. And they should look at us because many people in Samarinovac came back from abroad when they saw what I was doing and how I manage. But when they saw that last year and last year's been a bad year, they are going back there. It's the wrong policy, give it to someone who will not work, and not give it to anyone who wants to work.
TP: It's not neither weither today favorable to agriculture, so the side help would be welcome. Unfortunately, without investment today, almost no agriculture.
Milan Mitić: They limited us, that the registered household may only have 20 ha for subsidies. For 20 ha I get oil, and I work 420, please, what is this logic? And it gives you 20 dinars per liter of oil is 160 dinars, and he gives me a discount of 20 dinars for those 60 liters. What kind of logic is that, please?
TP: Milan Mitić still works today, in 95 years. It does not come out in the field without breakfast, and the breakfast is always the same- a piece of bread, a cup of milk, a spoon of sugar.
Milan Mitic: The sun is warming me, the rain takes me away, the wind dries me, nature gives me pure oxygen and the tractor massages me constantly, I have never been without a massage. ... I got all the prizes. Tito gave me the work order, then the Serbian Presidency gave me the first peasant Seventh Prize, together with Rajko Mitic, a footballer. They say Rajko Mitic plows with football boots while Mitic Milan with a plow.
TP: On the day of Saint Emperor Constantine and Empress Empress, the day when Milan Mitic was born 95 years ago, family, friends, relatives and associates, gathered at the inscription on a family estate in Samarinovac, where the priests of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Bojan Aleksandrovic, Vikar of the Timok, and Petru Hogea, Paroh, cut the Slavic cake with the desire that the celebrator will live for many years in good health surrounded by their loved ones.