Nedelja, 29. septembar 2019 / Beograd, Srbija / TimocPress
U subotu i nedelju, 28. i 29. septembra 2019. godine u Beogradu su, u Centru za obrazovanje i kulturu „Božidarac“ na Vračaru, održani „Dani vlaške – rumunske kulture“ u Beogradu. Ovu dvodnevnu manifestaciju organizovao je Kongres Vlaha Srbije, kao krovna organizacija Vlaške zajednice kod nas, a u okviru nje, u subotu, prvog dana otvorena je izložba dokumentarističkih fotografija, autora Zaviše Žurža koja na dvadesetak fotgrafija velikog formata, prikazuje neke detalje istorijskog nasleđa Rumuna/Vlaha na području severoistočne Srbije.
Thursday, 21 February 2019. / Bor, Serbia / TimocPress
In the Bor Center for Culture on February 21, 2019. was held the promotion of the book "Traditional Culture of Vlachs from Crnorecje", by author Filip Paunjelovic.
Read more: International Mother Language Day in the Timok region
Thursday, August 30, 2018 / Bucharest, Romania / TimocPress
Decoration decree signed by the President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Iohannis
Friday, August 31, 2018 / Bucharest, Romania / TimocPress
Friday, october 6 2017. / Belgrad, Serbia / TimocPress
The exhibition "The Burning Island", the author of the work of the painter Predrag Popara, was opened at the Belgrade Museum and invited artists: Rudy Cremonini from Italy and Dan Maciuca, Bogdan Vladuta and Petrica Stefan from Romania.